Rollad Walt claims his
age is 39 in a picture he sent me.
Below is evidence that he may be considerably older than that.
Additional questions are raised and discussed below the article.
Replies following the questions suggest some answers!
Below: Copy of an original newspaper
article about Herman (Chiam) Siegel and Walt. Right: A readable translation of the somewhat blurry article. |
10 - MESABI DAILY NEWSVirginia, Minnesota Wednesday, July 16, 1947 ------------------------------------- Range Roundup By De Yoannes |
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A VIRGINIA man, formerly of
Eveleth, HERMAN SIEGEL father of Dr. John Siegel and Mrs. Ben Walt, both
of Virginia is going to make an entrant in the old automobile parade for
the 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Siegel has a 1904 MODEL BUICK which he claims can be put in running order in time for the Eveleth celebration which will be held July 31, Aug. 1,2, and 3. He has the car in Gilbert now but expects to have it in running order with the help of his grandson, ROLLAND WALT, Virginia and some of his friends. The last time the car was running was in 1932 when representatives of the Buick Motor Co. offered him a new car in exchange for the old model. If the car can be put in condition for the Eveleth event and gets the proper publicity, maybe Mr. Siegel will be getting offers for an even trade in for a 1947 model, which would be quite the thing in these 'try-and-get-a-car' days. |
Leighton Siegel 6/1/99
What should we believe about Rolland Walt's real age?
Is the Rolland WALT mentioned in the article the same Rolland Walt who now
claims to be 39 years old in the recent photograph?
Did Rolland get the 1904 MODEL BUICK into running order?
Did the car participate in the parade and who drove it?
What was the ultimate fate of the 1904 MODEL BUICK?
When and how will we get the answers to these and other crucial questions such
as 'The 50th anniversary of what?'
An appeal is made to one and all to help us solve these mysteries.
Reply from Elliot Siegel 6/1/99
I called my father (Uncle John) concerning the 1904 Buick. I told him to log on
to the Siegel web site. He said he was to tired but would do it tomorrow. Any
the how, I mentioned the 1904 Buick and all of a sudden he was not tired.
He told me that after Grampa Chiam passed on, neither my father or Aunt Pearl
had any place to store the the Buick. He put it in a field by Eveleth. He later
checked it and somebody had stolen all the brass which was on the automobile. He
said the last he saw of it was when he sold it to a car dealer in Virginia.
He wishes he had it now--naturally.
My parents went to a neighbor's graduation party Sunday. My father told me that
the graduate's grandfather and my father got the car going but it blew a muffler
and that was the last time he new about it running. My father said the two got
it running when my father was in high school. He added that the Buck was a two
cylinder automobile.
I remember the 1947 celebration in Virginia. I remember a beard growing contest
and people wearing strange pointed round caps.. But, I don't remember what the
celebration was for--neither does my father. I think it was the 50th.
anniversary of the town of Virginia. Any the how, I will tell my father to
contact or you can write him to contact the ?Virginia Library.
My father was quite excited over my mentioning the automobile. As I said, he
will look at the web page tomorrow (have a hunch he is doing it now.) I will get
back to you.
Reply from Leighton Siegel 6/1/99
Elliot, what a great additional story. By the way the newspaper article seems to
indicate that you should check for a celebration in Eveleth, not Virginia. Let
us know what you find out.
Reply from Rolland Walt 6/1/99 I thought my story was better.
Reply from Charles Ostrov 6/1/99 I would like to make the point that individuals such as Rolland Walt and myself who were born on the Iron Range have an alternative system for calculating our age. This is due to the high mineral content of the water on the Range allowing us a distinct advantage in determining those facts. I would speculate however that there may be a slight error in calculating his age, and that he may be about 2 years older than I, which factors to approximately 45 years of age. (Leighton Siegel - Eat your heart out!!!)Reply from Myra Helfer 6/2/99 Myrahelfer@AOL.COM Regarding Uncle Rolland Walt's alleged age. HAHAHAHAH! More fuel to the fire. I am 56, nearly 57. We have old movies, now on video, of one Rolland Walt holding me in Virginia, Minn. when I was just a few months old. That Rolland Walt looked at least 17 or 18, 16 minimum. Which means the alleged Rolland Walt is allegedly at least 70 something if he was bouncing his niece around 56 years ago.
Definitive reply from Judy Perry 6/7/99 Rolland Walt is my father and if he says he's 39, then he's 39! He has never lied to me and I've known him 44 years!
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